The LMC is an independent body statutorily recognised, by successive NHS Acts since 1911, as the sole professional organisation representing GPs and their practices to the Area Team and ICBs.
The LMC represents the views of GPs to any other appropriate organisation or agency. Unlike the BMA, it is not a trade union and is funded by contributions from GP practices.
The 1999 NHS Act extended the LMC role to include representation of all GPs, whatever their contractual/employment status this includes GMS GPs, PMS GPs, Sessionals, Locums, Trainees.
Although there have been countless changes within the NHS and community care, LMCs across the UK are the single element of continuity throughout all the reorganisations since the NHS was established and will continue to do so as the future unfolds.
Solihull LMC was formed in 1974 when it separated from Warwickshire and holds its meetings on the first Monday of every month (unless that falls on a Bank Holiday- then it is the following Monday).